How To Tell If Your Dairy Brick Is In Need Of Repair

16 October 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Dairy brick is a common feature in many warehouses, industrial plants, and manufacturing businesses across America. Known for being a very durable surface, it will eventually show signs of aging that indicate it needs to be repaired. However, because most people aren't familiar with the signs of dairy brick repair, they can leave it for far longer than they should. This can cause a lot more damage than the initial area, so it is important to be proactive when it comes to dairy brick repair. Here are three warning signs that tell you that you should be considering calling in an expert repair contractor.

Crumbling Grout

Grout is the material that is between the individual dairy bricks and holds them in place. While dairy brick is exceptionally strong, grout is a little less tough and it is more affected by any acidic chemicals and even just water than dairy brick is. The good news is that grout replacement is a lot cheaper than a full flooring replacement that some other problems require. Often the dairy brick itself is just fine but the grout just needs to be replaced. If you notice any crumbling particles of grout on your floor, call for repairs right away.


dairy brick is not known to crack easily, which makes it even more of a worry when it does. Whether it is from constantly having heavy objects stored or dropped on top of it, or simply a faulty brick, cracks always mean that your bricks need to be replaced. If you don't want toxic chemicals to start leaking into the foundation and ruining the whole vicinity, then these repairs need to be done as soon as possible. One or two bricks getting replaced every few years is often the extent of this problem if you act fast.

Unsteady Surface

If, when you walk on your dairy bricks, you feel a little shift or wobble then this should raise immediate red flags. This could be the sign of a few problems and all of them are quite dangerous if left alone:

  • The foundation or underneath part of your dairy brick is eroded and getting worse.
  • The brick itself has chipped or lost some of its size so it no longer fits properly.
  • The grout has eroded away to the point where it is no longer holding the dairy brick in place. 

You should never put up with an unsteady workplace floor, so if it gets to this stage you should get it examined and avoid the area until it is fixed. Companies like Archway Brick and Tile can help with both the evaluation and the following repairs.
